Monday, July 15, 2013

Transitioning: Character Concepts

I want to combine both my alternative 'traditional' style with my digital style. I am still working on making both of these styles co-exist. However, somewhat failed at this attempt, nonetheless, have made both of these styles exist separately.
These are my concepts and original characters for my second book which I am still currently writing and second in the series to be finished.

My alternative style concepts:

Chu Arashi: A healer; and the youngest of my concepts. Living a hard life since the war broke out upon his planet. Controls the power of yellow lightning. Sharpie and pen.
Kuchita Shell: Half-brother to Chu and older, wiser...serious about protecting his people from the ravages of the war and salvaging what little resources their village has. Holds the power of yellow lightning. Sharpie and pen.

Timber Tazuna: A menace of an apposing tribe here to pillage surrounding villages of resources and to thin the herd of the other races of their planet's people. Resources are thin and people are starving and thirsty. Controls the power of red lightning. Sharpie and pen. 
Final Concept: All three of my original characters battle it out two brothers against the imminent threat. Sharpie and pen.

With my digital output, I included backgrounds to give you; the viewer, more of an insight to the planet's environment. My inspiration for first creating these characters when I was 14 years old came straight from Dragon Ball Z with their looks and lightning powers. 

My digital style concepts:

Chu Arashi
 Kuchita Shell
 Timber Tazuna

Final output of my concepts. 

More to come with my meshing of my alternative style with digital style. This is a mere stepping stone and quite a learning experience to get to that harmonious point.