Saturday, February 11, 2012


     This is a title page from another book I'm currently writing. This is when I first started incorporating backgrounds to my illustrations. However, my skillset is to be improved on; I am happy with the results that took place. I am still working on this Illustration and the book itself as well.
 This is when I started pulling images from the internet to aid in the design of my characters and improvement of my art work.
     The drawing to the right is the result from the model to the left. Though, they look alike, I only used these images for reference to create my final illustration. This is also a title page from another book I'm currently writing.
     This model (from Prince Caspian and othr movies), looked a lot like the main character from my book.

This is a continuation of photoshop and improvement upon such. I have also included more title pages of my books that I am writing.

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